Thursday, November 6, 2008

Life in the Cyberlane

It's frightening to see so many kids (and even adults) posting questionable things on the internet without giving any thought to how their own words, pictures &/or videos might come back to hurt them sometime in the future.

A good example to illustrate this point would be Casey Anthony.

Casey and her lawyers must now confront the extensive trail of negative images that she has left on the internet; an extensive trail that included suggestive pictures and postings that will be used by the prosecution to help convict her in the death of her child.

Despite her family and her defense team's attempts to paint Casey as a good mother and as some type of victim in her daughter's disappearance, the world sees a completely different picture.

But, thanks to the ewww creepy teachers from Romper Room, I learned to be very paranoid careful even before I had an internet connection. Whew!

1 comment:

Me said...

Try finding a decent job, particularly in a conservative industry (i.e., one that pays well) like law, finance, government, teaching, when you've got a cyberpersona that has spewed smut and bad judgment all over the Internet.

Then try removing it.

Employers know about the Wayback Machine that's been actively caching all of the Internet for a decade. You may be able to pull down that picture of you doing jello shots off of your boyfriend's BEEP, but if it was up for a week or more, you can bet that it can be found in the Wayback Machine.

Good luck with that job hunt!